6-4 Invisible Web
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box
In this lesson you will learn how to search the "invisible web" using online portals and subject directories.
Invisible Web: Information that is not accessible via crawlers/ spiders/ or robots (tools used by search engines to gather information based on a search query) is said to be part of the “invisible web.”
Here are a few different tricks to get into the invisible web:
- Use tools like the “Librarians Index to the Internet Links to an external site.” or the “Invisible Web Directory Links to an external site.”
- Use portals or gateway sites (type either of these terms, then your keyword, e.g. "portal:second amendment," then scan for results that begin with "portal")
- Use the word “database” in your inquiry
Go to Safari Montage: http://bit.ly/12QlSMx
Your log-in information is:
Username: Student I.D. #
Password: 6-digit birthdate (mm-dd-yy)
Once you've logged in, Watch the following video:
Research Skills: Internet Subject Directories and Portals Chapter 4: http://bit.ly/GPvRhy
Now, choose one of these tricks and try a search for “Ancient Egypt.” Write a few sentences to describe the results. Did you find any database or journal results? How can you tell?
Now try again with the search term of your choice. Write a few sentences to describe the results.