W1b pre-flight checklist answers


  1. What does the term “peer-reviewed” mean?

    The term "peer-reviewed" means that the content has been scrutinized by an expert in the particular field of research to ensure that it is accurate, scientifically sound, and adds to the body of knowledge before it is published. Scholarly publications are almost always peer-reviewed.

  2. Can popular magazine articles be used in your research?

    Yes. Often, the articles intended for a public audience provide perspective or insight that is crucial to research, but not found in science-oriented scholarly articles. For example, a magazine interview with Koichi Wakata Links to an external site., though not itself considered scholarly, could provide important information about what factors influence a person to choose a career in astronautics or about how well the field robotics is respected by peers. These personal insights could be useful in business or psychological research.

  3. What kinds of information can you find in trade publications? 

    Advertisements, announcements of field- or trade-specific professional meetings or organizations, industry-specific news or reports, new product announcements, and any other content that is specific to an industry, organization, or field of commerce.


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